Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Make Money with Your Photographs Home-study

 Pop's Home Study Course on Making Money with your photographs is online and fully active!

 You don't need special equipment or college classes...but some specialized training will make the difference between Trying and Succeeding.


  •   Dirt Cheap professional training.
  •  Study at your own pace.
  •  Earn while you learn!
  •  Each class is taught by a professional in the field.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday Car Flip 4/2/12 Foxcroft Ave

 This past Sunday night at about 11:30 pm as I was leaving the Martinsburg Mall, heard a wicked crash in the parking lot in front of Buffalo Wildwings...and just happened to have my camera in the trunk.

 There are a lot of presumptive speculations flying around on our Facebook page about these pics, ranging from unkind to outright accusatory...and I would at this time like to set the record as straight as I can:
 This young man was not the victim of dangerous game-play on the wet lot.
 According to his family, he was instead the victim of a vehicle defect while waiting to pick up his dad from the night shift, when his brand new 2012 car went berserk, accelerating suddenly and at the same time losing the ability to steer.

 Yeah, I know...but that's the story and I'm passing it on to you.